Swap your current breakfast with a bowl of steel-cut oats

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Eat a simple salad comprising of carrots + tomatoes + cucumbers everyday

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Craving a snack? Swap those wafers with nuts, avocados or olives

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Start your morning with a glass of lemon water

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Eat nuts & dry fruits when craving in between meals when craving for food

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Have a cup of boiled milk per day

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Eat leafy vegetables as a part of one meal

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Eat a banana with breakfast daily

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Include brown rice, which has more fiber than white rice

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Have tea or coffee only once in a day

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Include a source of protein such as milk, eggs, chicken or fish with every meal

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Swap your snack for a bowl of fruit

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Substitute soft-drinks or other sugary beverages with two glasses of water

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Include tomatoes daily in a meal or eat one daily

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Have a daily cup of green tea

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Eat a full carrot everyday with your meal

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Avoid fried rice and replace it with steamed rice to keep calories down

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Eat a full cucumber everyday with your meal

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Eat dark chocolate when craving sweets

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Substitute sugar with honey

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Eat a beetroot daily as salad everyday for a week along with your dinner

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Chew sugar-free alternatives to gum

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